What the ….?!

Writing the story is such a unique thing. My characters have developed a life of their own, so I almost can’t keep up with writing it down.

Seriously, of course I plotted the whole story. Before I started, I naturally thought about the protagonists and the connections, chose a location and tried to put the whole thing into a meaningful context. I also thought about who kills whom and when :-). But the whole thing was obsolete when my main protagonist suddenly used a meeting with another protagonist to kill her ice cold.


It’s actually like that. I wrote it down and sat there and thought to myself: What are you doing now? You still needed that? Why is she dead now?

To be honest, I still don’t know why my protagonist did it. THAT, I thought to myself at the time I wrote this chapter, will bring the next story. Nothing there. Yesterday, when I was writing the chapter “Christmas Market”, somebody gave information towards the end of the chapter. I had plotted something completely different…

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